fulfill your volunteer hours
below is a list of ways to complete your volunteer hours
Keep track of your hours BY COMPLETING THIS DOCUMENT
YOU CAN also download a list of volunteer activities here.
- Attend Membership Meetings
- Participate in Park Clean -Ups at the Park throughout the year.
- Sign up to take your dog on visits to the residents at Renaissance. Email PJ Sedgwick
at pjsedgwick@gmail.com to learn how to get started.
All hours completed at the Renaissance will count as double the amount of hours.
For example: If you visit Residents at the Renaissance with your dog for 1 hour it will
count as 2 hours.
- Participate in Howl-een, Santa Paws, Spring Fling and the Dog Show at the Renaissance.
All hours completed at the Renaissance will count as double the amount of hours. For
example: If you attend an Dog Park hosted event at the Renaissance for 1 hour it will
count as 2 hours.
- Purchase a gift for a Resident at the Renaissance during the Holiday time in December.
If you purchase 1 Resident's gift you can count it as 2 hours towards your volunteer time.
If you purchase 2 Residents' gifts it can count as 4 hours towards your volunteer time. The
maximum you can claim for volunteer hours for this activity is 4 hours.
- Help to take holiday photographs of members and their dogs at the park.
- Put together holiday cards with member photographs for the Residents at the Renaissance
- Search for and pick up poop
You can only claim a maximum of 4 hours for picking up poop.
- Participate in interviews of potential new members
- Collect up balls/toys and put them in their bins
- Pick up trash from around the outside perimeter of the park
- Take trash to the curb when cans are half full and put new contractor bags in cans
- Bring plastic bags to restock poop bag cans
- Refill water cooler
- Empty the pools at the end of the day
- Pick big rocks and bricks out of the ground to prevent tripping hazards
- Assist in the renewals process in September
- Take home the recycling